
The Eye of the iPad

So now you know!

This came over the transom via photographer Jordan Hollender, who directed the clip. The music itself comes from Scott Harris, who is also the lead in the video.

Harris says he used Real Drums, Pro Keys, Baby Scratch and GuitarMania to record the song. Which by my count means they dropped less than $7 at Apple’s (AAPL) iTunes store to put this together.

Notes from Harris*:

We used real musicians and the parts were recorded in GarageBand. The ipad piano, drums, scratch and guitar apps were played straight through the song without edits pretty much creating an actual ipad band. There was a click track but we did not copy and paste notes.

The song recording took a few days with a few different sessions. Trying out the apps took the longest as we tried to find the best sounding apps but also had to be the coolest visually. The apps that were closest to how the real instrument plays were not easy to find because there were a ton of options.

Surprised we haven’t seen more of these, actually. Maybe I’m not looking in the right place.

In other news, it won’t surprise you to learn that YouTube is a great place to find “Eye of the Tiger” covers. And the original, of course.

